Category: About Anxiety

this category shows information regarding anxiety

Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis To Pass Your Driving Test

Hypnotherapy is a common therapy used to enter a relaxed state and become open to suggestions. Your conscious thoughts are controlled by your subconscious thoughts. Any anxiety felt when driving can be vastly reduced or eliminated by feeding your subconscious positive messages. A technique such as affirmations convinces your subconscious mind through repetition. It is important for you to remember...Continued

Anger, Anger Management and Usain Bolt

Anger Management and Frustration Imagine you had to run a race against Usain Bolt. As you know Usain is currently the fastest man on earth and an athlete in his prime. If you ran against him, you would most probably lose the race, and if you gave it everything you’ve got you would be out of breath by the end...Continued

How Bad Habits Can Start | Nail Biting

Hypnotherapy to stop nail biting and other bad habits   As with most things, bad habits such as nail biting, come in all shapes, sizes, and levels of severity and hypnosis offer a powerful and effective solution. Nail biting, hair pulling, teeth grinding, skin picking, being eating/drinking, smoking, gambling, gaming and constantly checking social media are all common habits that...Continued

Performance Anxiety: Is it just in the mind?

Have you ever had to make a public announcement, a speech or presentation and woken up feeling sick at the thought of it? Some call it stage fright but the technical term is performance anxiety. The relatively harmless symptoms can make your life miserable – sweaty palms, a frequent need of the toilet, heart palpitations and a general feeling of...Continued

ODD: Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Granted children do not always do what is asked of them but Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), is far more than mere disobedience. Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a childhood disorder characterised by defiant, disobedient, negative, and often hostile behaviour prominently towards adult figures. It is common amongst children with ADHD. It is thought that between 2-16 percent of children and young...Continued

Police Cells: Mental Health Crisis

People in a mental health crisis find it terrifying to be held in a police cell. Peers will move an amendment to the policing and crime bill to ensure those adults feeling suicidal, are self-harming or are psychotic are never taken to police stations for assessment. This plan is already in place for under-18s.   “The police can’t continue to...Continued

1 in 10 children have a mental health problem

The Education Policy Institute’s Independent Mental Health Commission published its final report of the year. It is the culmination of research into exploring challenges and transformation of children and young people’s mental health care and support. One in every ten children between the ages of five and sixteen have a diagnosed mental health problem. And yet, children’s mental health services...Continued

Hypnotherapy and procrastination

Procrastination is the thief of time. {Edward Young - poet} Procrastination - according to wikipedia is "the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones." putting off until tomorrow what could be done today. How many times have you been at work on the...Continued